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Kitzbuehel World Polo Cup 2020 Bendura Bank starts on thursday

Foto del escritor: prensapoloprensapolo

SPANISH VERSION. Del 17 al 19 de enero llega una nueva Kitzbuehel World Polo Cup 2020 “Bendura Bank”, la reconocida copa de snow polo austriaca. La presentación de equipos (ocho en total) y sponsors será el jueves 16 y la acción en la nieve comenzará al día siguiente (VER CRONOGRAMA DE PARTIDOS abajo). Los equipos son verdaderos seleccionados con participantes de nueve nacionalidades.

Kitzbühel Polo dio inicio con el Torneo de Snow Polo en enero de 2003, el cual comenzó con 4 equipos internacionales y 1.000 visitantes en el primer año. El mismo se ha establecido como uno de los principales eventos mundiales de polo, llegando a 8 equipos internacionales y 15.000 espectadores para 2016.

Todo fue iniciado por Reto y Tito Gaudenzi, quienes organizan eventos de polo en todo el mundo. Actualmente, Lifestyle Events & Companies organiza Kitzbühel Polo, liderado por Tito Gaudenzi, quien además de ser un organizador de polo, también es un exitoso jugador profesional.

Kitzbühel Polo es un evento en alianza con Miami Beach Polo, St. Moritz Polo, Baku Polo, así como Grand Champions Polo Club, Wellington y Aspen Polo.

En 2016 se fundó el primer Polo Club Kitzbühel, que funcionará como anfitrión oficial de la Copa Mundial de Polo de Snow Bendura Bank Kitzbühel.

Como si esto fuera poco, Lifestyle Events & Companies tiene planes de iniciar un evento de polo de verano de alto handicap este 2021.

ENGLISH VERSION. A new edition of Kitzbuehel World Polo Cup 2020 Bendura Bank, the well known Austrian Snow Polo Cup will take part from 17 to 19th January.

The presentation of the teams ( 8 in total) and sponsors will take part on January 16th and the matches will be on the following day.

Teams are conformed by players of nine different nationalities.

Kitzbühel Polo was established with the initial Snow Polo Tournament in January 2003. Starting with 4 international teams and 1,000 visitors in year one. The winter event has established itself as one of the leading global polo events, reaching 8 international teams and 15,000 spectators by 2016.

Kitzbühel Polo was started by Reto and Tito Gaudenzi, whom both operate polo events around the world. To day Lifestyle Events & Companies operate Kitzbühel Polo, which is lead by Tito Gaudenzi, who apart from being a polo organizer is also a successful polo professional. Kitzbühel Polo is a partner event with Miami Beach Polo, St. Moritz Polo, Baku Polo as well as Grand Champions Polo Club, Wellington and Aspen Polo.

In 2016 the first Polo Club Kitzbühel was founded and will function as the official host of the Bendura Bank Snow Polo World Cup Kitzbühel.

Furthermore Lifestyle Events & Companies have plans to initiate a high goal summer polo event starting 2021.


16th January 2020

17.00 Polo presentation of the teams and sponsors – GP Mobility shuttle with all teams and players in front of the “Hotel zur Tenne”

19.00 Welcome Party at the “Casino Kitzbühel”

(By invitation only, for players, sponsors, officials and journalists)

17th January 2020

10.00 Gates Open

10.30 Corum vs. Bernd Gruber

11.45 GP Mobility vs. Laurent Perrier

13.00 Intocast vs. Bendura Bank

14.15 World Polo League vs. Engel & Völkers

20.00 Polo Team Captain Dinner at Kitzbuehel Country Club co-hosted by the Polo Club Kitzbuehel (By invitation only)

23.00 “Take 5 Polo Club Night”

18th January 2020

10.00 Gates Open

10.30 Game 1 - 1st Semi Finals - KCC Cup - Runner up

11.45 Game 2 - 2nd Semi Finals - KCC Cup - Runner up

13.00 Game 3 - 1st Semi Finals - Bendura Bank Trophy

14.15 Game 4 - 2nd Semi Finals - Bendura Bank Trophy

20.00 “Polo Players Night” in the VIP Tent themed “Tirolean Night” dresscode encouraged. (For further information email:

19th January 2020

10.00 Gates Open

10.30 Game 1 - Kitzbühel Cup - 7/8th place

11.45 Game 2 - La Martina Trophy - 3/4th place

13.00 Game 3 - KCC Cup - Runner up - 5/6th place

14.15 Game 4 - FINALS - Bendura Bank Trophy

15.45 Teams, Price Giving, MVP, Best playing Pony

17.00 Après Polo - Hornköpfl Hütte right next to the field Teams:

Bendura Bank

TC Melissa Ganzi +1 USA

Alejandro Novillo Astrada +8 ARG

Tito Gaudenzi +3 CH

Team HCP: +12

Engel & Völkers

TC Ana Escobedo +1 MEX

Segundo Darritchon +3 ARG

Jonny Good +8 ENG

Team HCP: +12

World Polo League

TC Marc Ganzi +2 USA

Juan Bautista Peluso +3 ARG

Nic Roldan +8 USA

Team HCP: +13


TC Eckhardt Juls +1 GER

Patrick Maleitzke +5 GER

Juan Ruiz-Guiñazú +4 ARG

Team HCP: +10

Bernd Gruber

TC Helmut Wieser +0 AUS

Pato Bolanterio +5 ARG

Santiago Marambio +7 ARG

Team HCP: +12

GP Mobility

Henrique Schalldach +2 BRA

TC Marcus Schalldach +2 BRA

Guilhermo Lins +6 BRA

Team HCP: +10


TC Matthias Normann +1 AUS

Micky Duggan +5 ARG

Martin Juaregui +5 ARG

Team HCP: +11


TC Sebastian Schneeberger +2 GER

Phillip de Groot +2 NED

Valentin Novillo Astrada +7 ARG

Team HCP: +11


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